Robots, Androids, and Mechanical Oddities


For many people in Japan, October is a time for Halloween festivities, including scary costumes, decorations, and excited children. However, for some, the most anticipated event this month involves forward chaining, service robots, degrees of freedom, and excitement akin to a child in a Halloween sweet shop. Today marks Japan Robot Week 2014, and I can’t wait to discover what it’s all about.

The event occurs biennially at the Tokyo International Exhibition Centre, known as Tokyo Big Sight. Halls one to three are packed with a wide array of exhibits, featuring a total of 480 companies across 926 booths. Here are the highlights of my day:

Kawada Industries, Inc.

Like many other companies present here, Kawada Industries focuses on creating robots designed to assist with menial tasks. A prime example is NEXTAGE, a Next Generation Industrial Robot.


NEXTAGE can be effortlessly controlled using a cutting-edge global user interface. Equipped with image recognition, stereo vision providing three-dimensional coordination, and hand cameras for precision, NEXTAGE excels in performing tasks that might be challenging for Japan’s aging population. To showcase its remarkable abilities, employees at Kawada Industries have it brewing tea and coffee all day long.

Kobayashi Laboratory

Muscle Suit is an innovative design from Kobayashi Laboratory—a wearable robot back support unit designed to assist people facing lifting difficulties. Effectively an exoskeleton, the device naturally mimics human movements.


Two models are set to hit the market soon: one weighing fifteen kilogrammes and the slightly larger model weighing thirty kilogrammes. While thirty kilogrammes might seem like a substantial weight to bear on your back, the demonstrator effortlessly lifts heavy boxes filled with bags of rice without breaking a sweat.

Tomy Company, Ltd.

I am fortunate enough to witness the Tomy Company unveiling their new toy for children. Arriving at the DeAgostini booth just before noon, I find quite a crowd already gathered. Three large cameras record every second of the action. Initially, there’s a demonstration of Robi, the build-it-yourself robot that comes with its own magazine. By purchasing the magazine each week, you receive the next part of the robot. Robi does a little dance, says “Hello” in Japanese, all while a mysterious purple cloth covers the forthcoming announcement.


After a lengthy discussion and multiple trailers displayed on various television screens, Robi is placed down, and eventually, the purple cloth covering something is removed. Finally, after a long wait, Robi Jr is revealed, but he appears frightened and doesn’t seem to behave very well at all. Initially, I wonder if this robot toy begins as a baby, and part of the enjoyment is teaching it to grow wiser and more capable, utilising some of the one-thousand pre-programmed phrases boasted by its creators.


However, all Robi Jr seems capable of doing is turning its head from side to side (accompanied by loud creaking from its mechanical parts) and moving its arms up and down in what seems like a marching tantrum. Perhaps I am missing the point. If I were a child again, I might find the prospect of owning a Robi Jr somewhat compelling. However, these emotions no longer stir within me, and I leave the exhibit feeling confused.

Atsugi Monozukuri Brand Project

What do you get when you cross pig organs, sweetfish, wires, and a pile of cardboard?


This near life-sized robot, featuring a pig’s face, is based on Ayukoro, the mascot of Kanagawa Prefecture, particularly from the city of Atsugi. A fusion of local delicacies—ayu fish and pig organs—inspired this mechanical mascot, taking on Ayukoro’s form. ATSUMO has the ability to run, speak, shake hands, and do what all other robots seem to be capable of doing, and that is of course dancing. The cardboard looking robot even has its own cardboard Carnival Cutouts.

Project Team Atom

“Grab your dreams!” is the tagline for this next exhibit, the Power Assist Hand. The team behind the project was overly welcoming and spoke superb English. I was very surprised when they invited me over to try out their product hands-on.


The Power Assist Hand is incredible. The glove mimics finger joints, aiding those who have lost the ability to use their hand. For instance, individuals suffering from hemiparesis due to a stroke find it extremely challenging to use their hand effectively, and this product offers a much-needed solution. The glove fits comfortably and is controlled remotely. With a push of a button, my hand grasps firmly; even when I try to resist, my fingers snap open and closed. The device makes picking things up and gripping objects as easy as flicking a switch. A recent study suggested that repetitive movement can help regenerate behavioural patterns in the brain. Therefore, this device could assist stroke victims in both physical recovery and mental capacity.

Daiwa House

Daiwa House has fittingly named their crawlspace inspection robot after a cat: Moogle. This feline-shaped robot is slightly more cunning, equipped with an inspection camera, LED lighting, and various types of sensors. It boasts a fully operational tail that aids its ability to climb large objects or traverse uneven terrain.


The demonstration of this robot has it climbing up stairs and crawling around, all the while projecting what it is seeing onto a large monitor. As far as remote-controlled cat tank torch camera robots go, Moogle is the best.

Aldebaran SoftBank

Most people in Japan are quite familiar with Pepper, a robot from SoftBank that appears on television almost every five minutes. Developed by Aldebaran for SoftBank, the next installation comes in the form of NAO. The tagline, ‘ASK NAO,’ is an acronym meaning Autism Solution for Kids. This creative, friendly teaching robot has been created as a way to help children learn.


I’ve been told that children with autism are often more drawn to technology. NAO has been designed to bridge the gap between technology and the human social world. Appearing slightly more polished than some of the other robots I’ve seen today, NAO boasts two cameras, an inertial measurement unit, capacitive touch sensors, freedom of movement, four directional microphones, two sonar channels for distance, and is powered by an Intel ATOM 1.6 GHz CPU. Just as I’m about to leave, the K-pop classic ‘Gangnam Style’ begins to play, and NAO joins in with a perfectly choreographed dance routine. If you have around ¥850,000 to spare, you can purchase your own NAO and use voice commands to ask it to kick a ball around, or something.

Okayama University

Tetsushi Kamegawa and his team from Okayama University are here to demonstrate their ‘As Seen on TV’ rescue robot. The robot crawls along the ground before coiling like a snake.


With a helical rolling motion, this robot exhibits the ability to tackle unusual surfaces. Equipped with a front-mounted camera, it is an excellent creation designed to locate people trapped in hard-to-reach areas during disasters. The snakelike robot can impressively climb trees and almost unassisted, crawl up vertical pipes.

Everything Else

Japan Robot Week features an incredible variety of small robots freely wandering around. There are robots randomly washing cars, others engaged in fights, and some building small metal houses. It’s quite challenging not to get distracted; there’s simply far too much to see.

Besides Robot Week, three other exhibitions are simultaneously taking place in the same halls. Vacuum 2014 focuses on vacuum technology and equipment, with cleaning robots actively removing dust. Naoko Yamazaki, a former astronaut from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, is giving a lecture on vacuum-related topics. The Pan-Exhibition for Wash and Clean showcases industrial washing and cleaning machinery, featuring an exhibition by the Fine Bubbles Industry Association. Monzukuri Matching Japan, the final exhibition, includes booths highlighting additives, manufacturing technology, and surface finishing. Notably, the WAS Cutting System in this section is impressive—a machine effortlessly cutting through metal using jets of water.


If robots aren’t quite your cup of tea (although if they are, I’m sure NEXTAGE will make one for you), there’s an abundance of other technologies here to explore. From hydraulic devices designed to lift disabled people from toilets to machines aiding individuals getting in and out of hospital beds, a vast section on 3D printing techniques, an array of cutting devices, microsurgery tools, medical assistant droids, and much, much more.

Amidst the whirl of innovation and the buzz of cutting-edge tech, Japan Robot Week truly paints a vibrant canvas of tomorrow’s possibilities, leaving us all eagerly anticipating what the future holds in the realm of robotics and beyond.